Pharmacoepidemiology for nephrologists (part 2): potential biases and how to overcome them

Edouard L Fu, Merel van Diepen, Yang Xu, Marco Trevisan, Friedo W Dekker, Carmine Zoccali, Kitty Jager, Juan Jesus Carrero

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleAcademicpeer-review


Observational pharmacoepidemiological studies using routinely collected healthcare data are increasingly being used in the field of nephrology to answer questions on the effectiveness and safety of medications. This review discusses a number of biases that may arise in such studies and proposes solutions to minimize them during the design or statistical analysis phase. We first describe designs to handle confounding by indication (e.g. active comparator design) and methods to investigate the influence of unmeasured confounding, such as the E-value, the use of negative control outcomes and control cohorts. We next discuss prevalent user and immortal time biases in pharmacoepidemiology research and how these can be prevented by focussing on incident users and applying either landmarking, using a time-varying exposure, or the cloning, censoring and weighting method. Lastly, we briefly discuss the common issues with missing data and misclassification bias. When these biases are properly accounted for, pharmacoepidemiological observational studies can provide valuable information for clinical practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1317-1326
Number of pages10
JournalClinical Kidney Journal
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021

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