Prevalence and Risk of Protein-Energy Wasting Assessed by Subjective Global Assessment in Older Adults With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: Results From the EQUAL Study

Karin Windahl, Gerd Faxén Irving, Tora Almquist, Maarit Korkeila Lidén, Moniek van de Luijtgaarden, Nicholas C. Chesnaye, Pauline Voskamp, Peter Stenvinkel, Marian Klinger, Maciej Szymczak, Claudia Torino, Maurizio Postorini, Christiane Drechsler, Fergus J. Caskey, Christoph Wanner, Friedo W. Dekker, Kitty J. Jager, Marie Evans

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Prevalence and risk factors for protein-energy wasting (PEW) are poorly studied in the nondialysis, older population with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD). Our aim was to evaluate the prevalence of PEW in advanced stage CKD patients aged greater than 65 years. Furthermore, we aimed to describe risk factors for PEW in the overall study population and among obese individuals. Prospective observational cohort study. 2not on dialysis attending nephrology care. PEW was assessed by 7-point Subjective Global Assessment (7-p SGA). 2), 25% were diagnosed with protein wasting. Risk factors for SGA ≤5 in obese people were similar to those for the overall study population. This European multicenter study shows that the prevalence of PEW is high in patients with advanced CKD aged >65 years. The risk of PEW increases substantially with age and is commonly characterized by muscle wasting. Our study suggests that focus on nutrition should start early in the follow-up of older adults with CKD
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-174
JournalJournal of Renal Nutrition
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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