Preventie vraagt ambitieuzere aanpak. Reactie op de kabinetsnota 'Langer gezond leven 2004-2007; ook een kwestie van gezond gedrag'

J. P. Mackenbach, N. S. Klazinga, G. van der Wal

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3 Citations (Scopus)


In the cabinet policy document 'Live healthily for longer 2004-2007; also a matter of healthy behaviour' the Dutch Secretary of State for Health, Welfare and Sport assumes that many health problems are linked to behaviours such as smoking and lack of physical activity. He places the prime responsibility for that with the citizens and also with local councils, trade and industry, care providers and schools. However conscious behavioural choices by individual citizens form only a small part of the cause-effect chain that leads to ill health. It is incorrect to ascribe the differences in unhealthy behaviour to freely made behavioural choices. Moreover it begs the question as to whether the proposed measures will be effective. Over and above all this, the finances that are available to strengthen preventative measures are completely inadequate. The central government should be encouraging the health care sector to devise a more central position for prevention and ensuring that effective opportunities for prevention are used as much as possible. After all, it is expected of the central government that it will look after the collective interests and protect and promote the health of the population. The necessary improvements can only be achieved through a much more ambitious approach than that presented by the cabinet
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)704-707
JournalNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 2004

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