Priorities, satisfaction and treatment goals in psychosis patients: an online consumer's survey

B. Sterk, I. Winter van Rossum, M. Muis, L. de Haan

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An insight into preferences, satisfaction and treatment goals of patients is important for reaching treatment alliance and may increase the success of initiated treatment. Participants from the Netherlands,with at least one psychotic episode, were asked to fill in an online questionnaire. Participants ranked their priorities in treatment content, stated whether they were satisfied on these items and ranked a list of treatment goals. 462 respondents ranked their treatment preferences regarding treatment content(mean age: 40.3 years; mean duration of illness: 13.5 years). Items ranked most important: “prompt assistance, preferably in own environment”, “attention for medication”, “appropriate attitude of the professional caregiver”. More than 50 % rated “unsatisfied” or “very unsatisfied” for: “practical help in resocialization”, “aid to acquire autonomy” and “help with physical health”. 345 participants ranked treatment goals (mean age: 40.4 years; mean duration of illness: 13.7 years). Items ranked most important: “reducing apathy and lack of initiative”, “reducing disturbing or unusual experiences”, “reducing confusion and concentration problems”. Psychiatric services should pay great attention to early outpatient intervention with supportive counseling and an appropriate attitude of the caregiver with attention for medication use. Improvement is warranted for practical assistance, help in regaining autonomy and help with physical health
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)88-93
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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