Psychosocial counselling for intended parents who opt for donor sperm treatment: which topics do they find relevant?

A.M. Schrijvers, F.B. van Rooij, G. Overbeek, E. de Reus, M. Schoonenberg, F. van der Veen, M. Visser, H.M.W. Bos, M.H. Mochtar

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Objective: This study aimed to explore which topics intended parents who opt for donor sperm treatment find relevant to discuss in psychosocial counselling.

Background: The choice for donor sperm treatment has psychosocial implications for intended parents and therefore psychosocial counselling is advised as an integral part of DST. To date, little is known about which topics intended parents find relevant to discuss in psychosocial counselling.

Methods: We conducted 25 semi-structured in-depth interviews between 2015 and 2017 with heterosexual men and women, lesbian women and single women who opted for donor sperm treatment and had a counselling session as part of their intake. They were recruited through three Dutch fertility centres, three network organisations and by snowball sampling.

Results: Intended parents found it relevant to discuss the following seven topics in psychosocial counselling: the decision to opt for donor sperm treatment, choosing a sperm donor, coping with questions from family and friends, non-genetic parenthood, single motherhood, openness and disclosure, and future contact between the child and half-siblings.

Conclusion: We recommend that counsellors take a more active role in bringing up the topics found in our study and that a clear distinction is made between counselling with the aim to screen intended parents and counselling with the aim to offer guidance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)474-484
JournalJournal of reproductive and infant psychology
Issue number5
Early online date19 Dec 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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