Publisher Correction: Elucidating mechanisms of genetic cross-disease associations at the PROCR vascular disease locus (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (1222), 10.1038/s41467-022-28729-3)

D Stacey, L Chen, PJ Stanczyk, JMM Howson, AM Mason, S Burgess, S MacDonald, J Langdown, H McKinney, K Downes, N Farahi, JE Peters, S Basu, JS Pankow, W Tang, N Pankratz, M Sabater-Lleal, PS de Vries, NL Smith, A DehghanA Dehghan, AS Heath, AC Morrison, AP Reiner, A Johnson, A Richmond, A Peters, A van Hylckama Vlieg, B McKnight, BM Psaty, C Hayward, C Ward-Caviness, C O'Donnell, D Chasman, DP Strachan, DA Tregouet, D Mook-Kanamori, D Gill, F Thibord, FW Asselbergs, FWG Leebeek, FR Rosendaal, G Davies, G Homuth, G Temprano, H Campbell, HA Taylor, J Bressler, JE Huffman, JI Rotter, J Yao, JF Wilson, JC Bis, JM Hahn, KC Desch, KL Wiggins, LM Raffield, LF Bielak, LR Yanek, ME Kleber, M Mueller, M Kavousi, M Mangino, MP Conomos, M Liu, MR Brown, M-A Jhun, M-H Chen, MPM de Maat, PA Peyser, P Elliot, P Wei, PS Wild, PE Morange, P van der Harst, Q Yang, N-Q Le, R Marioni, R Li, SM Damrauer, SR Cox, S Trompet, SB Felix, U Volker, W Koenig, JW Jukema, X Guo, AD Gelinas, DJ Schneider, N Janjic, NJ Samani, S Ye, C Summers, ER Chilvers, J Danesh, DS Paul

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The original version of this Article contained an error in Fig. 4, in which the label “c” was missing. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1962
JournalNature communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022
Externally publishedYes

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