Qualitative study on experiences of people with dual sensory loss in various life areas

E. Veenman, A.A.J. Roelofs, M.L. Stolwijk, A.M. Bootsma, R.M.A. van Nispen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


People with dual sensory loss (DSL) experience challenges in various life areas due to their limited ability to use sensory compensation (e.g. using residual hearing to compensate for the visual impairment). The aim of this qualitative study was to explore experiences of people with DSL in various life areas, and how they experience sensory compensation.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty adults with DSL (13 females and 7 males, age ranging from 20 to 88 years), with various causes and severities of DSL. Experiences in the areas access to information, mobility, communication and fatigue were discussed. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analyzed by means of framework analysis.

In the area of access to information, results show that, despite various experienced challenges, most participants were well able to function with the aid of assistive technology. Regarding mobility, most participants were able to navigate familiar environments. In unfamiliar settings, however, help was required. Having conversations in quiet settings was associated with little difficulties, whereas crowded settings were considered very difficult. Most participants mentioned that they often experience fatigue. Carefully considering daily activities helped to cope with fatigue.

This study revealed the experiences of people with DSL in important life areas. The results suggest that they experience many challenges, but also that they are resourceful in finding compensation strategies. It was, however, hard for the participants to indicate how they experience sensory compensation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventDeafblind International: Global Connections - Ottawa, Canada
Duration: 24 Jul 202328 Jul 2023


ConferenceDeafblind International

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