Reducing pain in children with cancer at home: a feasibility study of the KLIK pain monitor app

Julia D. H. P. Simon, Sasja A. Schepers, Martha A. Grootenhuis, Maarten Mensink, Angelique D. Huitema, Wim J. E. Tissing, Erna M. C. Michiels

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: This study assessed adherence to, feasibility of, and barriers and facilitators of implementation of an app developed to monitor and follow-up with pain in children with cancer at home. Methods: Children (8–18 years) receiving cancer treatment (all diagnoses) or their parents (of children aged 0–7 years) used the KLIK Pain Monitor app for 3 weeks. Pain was assessed twice daily using an 11-point numeric rating scale (NRS-11) (ranging from 0 to 10). Healthcare professionals (HCP’s) from the hospital’s Pediatric Pain Service were instructed to follow-up with clinically significant pain scores (≥ 4) within 120 min (scores 4–6) or 30 min (scores 7–10). Adherence, feasibility, and implementation outcomes were assessed using questionnaires, app log data, and interviews. Results: Twenty-seven children (M age = 7.3 years, 51.8% male) and six HCP’s participated. Sixty-three percent (N = 17) of families used the app on a daily basis during three weeks, and 18.5% (N = 5) reported pain scores twice daily during that time (family adherence). Twelve out of 27 children (44.4%) reported a clinically significant pain score at least once. In 70% (14/20) of clinically significant pain scores, HCP’s followed-up with families within the set timeframe (HCP adherence). Outcomes reveal feasibility for the majority of app functions (i.e., positive evaluation by ≥ 70% families/HCP’s), and non-feasible aspects could be resolved. Identified barriers and facilitators were used to improve future implementation efforts. Conclusion: Use of the KLIK Pain Monitor app seems feasible. Future research will determine its effectiveness in reducing pain in children with cancer at home.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7617-7626
Number of pages10
JournalSupportive Care in Cancer
Issue number12
Early online date2021
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


  • Feasibility
  • Implementation
  • Pain
  • Pediatric Oncology
  • mHealth/eHealth

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