Systemic lupus erythematosus: State of the art on clinical practice guidelines

Farah Tamirou, Laurent Arnaud, Rosaria Talarico, Carlo Alberto Scirè, Tobias Alexander, Zahir Amoura, Tadej Avcin, Alessandra Bortoluzzi, Ricard Cervera, Fabrizio Conti, Alain Cornet, Hervé Devilliers, Andrea Doria, Micol Frassi, Micaela Fredi, Marcello Govoni, Frederic Houssiau, Ana Lladò, Carla Macieira, Thierry MartinLaura Massaro, Maria Francisca Moraes-Fontes, Cristina Pamfil, Sabrina Paolino, Chiara Tani, Sander W. Tas, Maria Tektonidou, Angela Tincani, Ronald F. van Vollenhoven, Stefano Bombardieri, Gerd Burmester, Fonseca João Eurico, Ilaria Galetti, Eric Hachulla, Ulf Mueller-Ladner, Matthias Schneider, Vanessa Smith, Maurizio Cutolo, Marta Mosca, Nathalie Costedoat-Chalumeau

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75 Citations (Scopus)


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the paradigm of systemic autoimmune diseases characterised by a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations with an unpredictable relapsing-remitting course. The aim of the present work was to identify current available clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for SLE, to provide their review and to identify physicians' and patients' unmet needs. Twenty-Three original guidelines published between 2004 and 2017 were identified. Many aspects of disease management are covered, including global disease management, lupus nephritis and neuropsychiatric involvement, management of pregnancies, vaccinations and comorbidities monitoring. Unmet needs relate with disease management of some clinical manifestations and adherence to treatment. Many patient's unmet needs have been identified starting with faster diagnosis, need for more therapeutic options, guidelines on lifestyle issues, attention to quality of life and adequate education.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere000793
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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