The effect of compression shorts on pain and performance in male football players with groin pain – A double blinded randomized controlled trial

Roald Otten, Sebastiaan Stam, Rob Langhout, Adam Weir, Igor Tak

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Objective: To investigate the effects of compression shorts on pain and performance in football players with groin pain. Study design: Double blinded randomized controlled trial. Setting: Soccer pitch. Participants: Thirty-four male football players with groin pain. Main outcome measures: The effect of wearing zoned high compression shorts (ZHC-shorts), non-zoned low compression shorts (NZLC-shorts), and normal sports clothes on pain measured with the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS)and performance during the Copenhagen 5-s squeeze test (CS), the Illinois Agility test (IAT), and maximum shooting (ST). The effects of wearing ZHC versus NZLC shorts on symptoms were measured using the Hip and groin outcome score (HAGOS)during actual football activities. Results: Wearing ZHC-shorts reduced pain during the IAT (1.4, ES = 0.58, p= <0.01)and ST (1.2, ES = 0.47, p= <0.01)compared to wearing normal sports clothes, but did not negatively affect performance. Compared to the baseline HAGOS scores a clinically significant improvement in the symptoms (9.7, ES = 0.63, p= <0.01)and sport/recreation (13.2, ES = 0.68, p = 0.01)subscales was found when wearing the ZHC-short during football activities. Conclusion: Wearing zoned high compression shorts could be useful in reducing groin pain in football players during their football activities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-95
JournalPhysical Therapy in Sport
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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