The prolonged use of the laryngeal mask airway in a neonate with airway obstruction and Treacher Collins syndrome

M.J.L. Bucx, W. Grolman, F.H. Kruisinga, J.A.H. Lindeboom, A.A.M.W. van Kempen

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43 Citations (Scopus)


Upper airway obstruction and difficult tracheal intubation are often encountered in patients with Treacher Collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis). In this case report, the use of a laryngeal mask airway (LMA(TM)) in a 10-day-old newborn with severe Treacher Collins syndrome and acute airway obstruction is described. It successfully relieved the airway obstruction and was left in situ for an exceptionally long period of 4 days. The difficult decisions with respect to the management of the airway and specifically the role of the laryngeal mask are described. In our opinion, in some newborns with severe mandibulofacial disorders and upper airway obstruction, where conservative airway management procedures have failed, the laryngeal mask can be considered not only to relieve the obstruction but also to buy time until there is full insight into the medical condition and its consequences
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Pages (from-to)530-533
JournalPediatric anaesthesia
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2003

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