The successful treatment of genu recurvatum as a complication following eight-Plate epiphysiodesis in a 10-year-old girl: a case report with a 3.5-year follow-up

Arthur J. Kievit, Dennis C. van Duijvenbode, Michel H. J. Stavenuiter

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8 Citations (Scopus)


We report a case of genu recurvatum following eight-Plate epiphysiodesis and the successful treatment of this complication. A 10-year-old patient underwent epiphysiodesis of the knee with eight-Plates. She was followed up and genu recurvatum developed as a complication. At the 12-month follow-up after epiphysiodesis, the treated knee showed a flexion of 135° and an extension of 35°. Lateral radiograph evaluation showed an extension change of the femur. During reoperation, the eight-Plates were repositioned more posterior, which resulted in successful treatment of the hyperextension. Eight-Plates can lead to (treatable) articular surface angle changes in the sagittal plane

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