Middeldorp S.: Vascular Medicine

  • Beenen, Ludo (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Bistervels, Ingrid (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Bleker, Suzanne (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Brekelmans, Marjolein (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Cunha, Marisa (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Diemer, Frederieke Sophie (Internal PhD candidate)
  • van Es, Nick (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Haan, Haan (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Horjus, Doortje (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Karamat, Fares (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Kraaijpoel, Noémie (Internal PhD candidate)
  • van Mens, Thijs (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Scheres, Luuk (Internal PhD candidate)
  • Middeldorp, Saskia (Principal investigator)
  • Coppens, Michiel (Staff)
  • Thijs, W. (External PhD candidate)

Project Details


Lines of research are:
1) Reproductive issues in thrombosis and haemostasis. This includes the topic of
thrombophilia and reproduction that is subject of this research proposal. Furthermore,
diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic management of venous thromboembolism in
pregnant women is part of this research line.
2) Genetic and acquired risk factors for venous thromboembolism. This research line has
the overall aim to identify novel genetic risk factors, by means of classical linkage
analysis and next generation whole exome sequencing in families that have been
collected because of an unexplained tendency to familial venous thromboembolism. It
also aims to translate the findings to the clinical implications of thrombophilia.
3) New anticoagulant drugs. This research line includes the aim to identify determinants
of recurrent thrombosis and bleeding in patients using the new anticoagulant drugs
(collaboration Dr J.W. Eikelboom, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada). Furthermore,
clinical application of the new drugs is part of this research line.
4) The applicant was project leader and initiated the NEO Study, a large populationbased
cohort of obese individuals that aims to study the etiology of various conditions
and diseases in obesity (2006-2010). She still collaborates on vascular aspects of obesity
(collaboration Prof. dr. F.R. Rosendaal, LUMC).
Effective start/end date1/01/2011 → …