Ablation energies for focal treatment of prostate cancer

Olivia Lodeizen, Martijn de Bruin, Scott Eggener, S. bastien Crouzet, Sangeet Ghai, Ioannis Varkarakis, Aaron Katz, Jose Luis Dominguez-Escrig, Sascha Pahernik, Theo de Reijke, Jean de la Rosette

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Context: In recent years, focal therapy has emerged as a treatment option for a selected group of men with localized prostate cancer. Cryotherapy and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) are the most investigated types of focal treatment with other options currently under evaluation. Objective: The objective of the study was to give a comprehensive overview of six available focal treatment options for prostate cancer with their rationale, delivery mechanism, and outcomes. Information acquisition: The SIU ICUD chapter on available Energies to Treat Prostate Cancer was used as a guide to describe the different technologies. For outcomes, a literature search was conducted using PubMed key words including focal therapy, HIFU, cryotherapy, irreversible electroporation, vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy, laser interstitial therapy, radiofrequency ablation, microwave therapy, and their synonyms in MeSH terms. Conclusion: Focal therapy appears to have encouraging outcomes on quality of life and urinary and erectile function. For oncological outcomes, it is challenging to fully interpret the outcomes due to heterogeneity in patient selection and short-term follow-up.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)409-418
JournalWorld Journal of Urology
Issue number3
Early online date25 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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