Age- and Sex-Specific Causal Effects of Adiposity on Cardiovascular Risk Factors

T. Fall, S. Hägg, A. Ploner, R. Mägi, K. Fischer, H.H.M. Draisma, A.-P. Sarin, B. Benyamin, C. Ladenvall, M. Akerlund, M. Kals, T. Esko, C.P. Nelson, M. Kaakinen, V. Huikari, M. Mangino, A. Meirhaeghe, K. Kristiansson, M.L. Nuotio, M. KoblH. Grallert, A. Dehghan, M. Kuningas, P.S. de Vries, R.F.A.G. de Bruijn, S.M. Willems, K. Heikkilä, K. Silventoinen, K.H. Pietilainen, V. Legry, V. Giedraitis, L. Goumidi, A.C. Syvänen, K. Strauch, W. Koenig, P. Lichtner, C. Herder, A. Palotie, C. Menni, A.G. Uitterlinden, K. Kuulasmaa, A.S. Havulinna, L.A. Moreno, M. Gonzalez-Gross, A. Evans, D.A. Tregouet, J.W. Yarnell, J. Virtamo, J. Ferrières, G. Veronesi, M. Perola, D. Arveiler, P. Brambilla, L. Lind, J. Kaprio, A. Hofman, B.H. Stricker, C.M. van Duijn, M. Arfan Ikram, O.H. Franco, D. Cottel, J. Dallongeville, A.S. Hall, A. Jula, M.D. Tobin, B.W.J.H. Penninx, A. Peters, C. Gieger, N.J. Samani, G.W. Montgomery, J.B. Whitfield, N.G. Martin, L. Groop, T.D. Spector, P.K. Magnusson, P. Amouyel, D.I. Boomsma, P.M. Nilsson, M.R. Järvelin, V. Lyssenko, A. Metspalu, D.P. Strachan, V. Salomaa, S. Ripatti, N.L. Pedersen, I. Prokopenko, M.I. McCarthy, E. Ingelsson

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56 Citations (Scopus)


Observational studies have reported different effects of adiposity on cardiovascular risk factors across age and sex. Since cardiovascular risk factors are enriched in obese individuals, it has not been easy to dissect the effects of adiposity from those of other risk factors. We used a Mendelian randomization approach, applying a set of 32 genetic markers to estimate the causal effect of adiposity on blood pressure, glycemic indices, circulating lipid levels, and markers of inflammation and liver disease in up to 67,553 individuals. All analyses were stratified by age (cutoff 55 years of age) and sex. The genetic score was associated with BMI in both nonstratified analysis (P = 2.8 10
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1841-1852
Number of pages12
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Cohort Studies

  • Netherlands Twin Register (NTR)

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