
Since both the talocrural and subtalar joints can be involved in chronic ankle instability, the present study assessed the talar morphology as this bone is the key player between both joint levels. The 3D orientation and curvature of the superior and the posteroinferior facet between subjects with chronic ankle instability and healthy controls were compared. Hereto, the talus was segmented in the computed tomography images of a control group and a chronic ankle instability group, after which they were reconstructed to 3D surface models. A cylinder was fitted to the subchondral articulating surfaces. The axis of a cylinder represented the facet orientation, which was expressed by an inclination and deviation angle in a coordinate system based on the cylinder of the superior talar facet and the geometric principal axes of the subject's talus. The curvature of the surface was expressed as the radius of the cylinder. The results demonstrated no significant differences in the radius or deviation angle. However, the inclination angle of the posteroinferior talar facet was significantly more plantarly orientated (by 3.5°) in the chronic instability group (14.7 ± 3.1°) compared to the control group (11.2 ± 4.9°) (p < 0.05). In the coronal plane this corresponds to a valgus orientation of the posteroinferior talar facet relative to the talar dome. In conclusion, a more plantarly and valgus orientated posteroinferior talar facet may be associated to chronic ankle instability.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of orthopaedic research
Early online date2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2021


  • anatomy
  • ankle joint
  • chronic ankle instability
  • computed tomography
  • subtalar joint

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