EuroClonality/BIOMED-2 guidelines for interpretation and reporting of Ig/TCR clonality testing in suspected lymphoproliferations

A. W. Langerak, P. J. T. A. Groenen, M. Brüggemann, K. Beldjord, C. Bellan, L. Bonello, E. Boone, G. I. Carter, M. Catherwood, F. Davi, M.-H. Delfau-Larue, T. Diss, P. A. S. Evans, P. Gameiro, R. Garcia Sanz, D. Gonzalez, D. Grand, A. Håkansson, M. Hummel, H. LiuL. Lombardia, E. A. Macintyre, B. J. Milner, S. Montes-Moreno, E. Schuuring, M. Spaargaren, E. Hodges, J. J. M. van Dongen

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PCR-based immunoglobulin (Ig)/T-cell receptor (TCR) clonality testing in suspected lymphoproliferations has largely been standardized and has consequently become technically feasible in a routine diagnostic setting. Standardization of the pre-analytical and post-analytical phases is now essential to prevent misinterpretation and incorrect conclusions derived from clonality data. As clonality testing is not a quantitative assay, but rather concerns recognition of molecular patterns, guidelines for reliable interpretation and reporting are mandatory. Here, the EuroClonality (BIOMED-2) consortium summarizes important pre- and post-analytical aspects of clonality testing, provides guidelines for interpretation of clonality testing results, and presents a uniform way to report the results of the Ig/TCR assays. Starting from an immunobiological concept, two levels to report Ig/TCR profiles are discerned: the technical description of individual (multiplex) PCR reactions and the overall molecular conclusion for B and T cells. Collectively, the EuroClonality (BIOMED-2) guidelines and consensus reporting system should help to improve the general performance level of clonality assessment and interpretation, which will directly impact on routine clinical management (standardized best-practice) in patients with suspected lymphoproliferations
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2159-2171
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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