Predicting self-damaging and suicidal behaviors in female borderline patients: reasons for living, coping, and depressive personality disorder

E. A. Rietdijk, L. M. van den Bosch, R. Verheul, M. W. Koeter, W. van den Brink

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The aims of this study are to examine (1) whether reasons for living predict self-damaging and suicidal behaviors, (2) the associations of reasons for living with coping strategies and depressive personality disorder (PD), and (3) the unique predictive validity of reasons for living in a multivariate predictor model. Reasons for living (RFL), coping strategies, and depressive personality disorder were measured at baseline in 38 patients who met DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD). Frequency of self-damaging and suicidal behaviors in the 6-month period following baseline was measured prospectively at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. The RFL has only one subscale that predicts parasuicidal behaviors (i.e. Survival and Coping Beliefs [SCB]). Participants who scored low on this subscale were 6.8 times more likely to exhibit self-damaging and suicidal behaviors in the follow-up period than their high-scoring counter-parts. However, SCB was substantially correlated with the coping strategies "reassuring thoughts," "active coping," and "palliative reaction pattern," as well as with depressive personality traits. In a multivariate model, the predictive power of SCB appeared to be accounted for by reassuring thoughts and depressive PD. Coping scales might be preferable over the RFL as a predictor of self-damaging and suicidal behaviors in borderline patients
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)512-520
JournalJournal of personality disorders
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2001

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