Stem cell factor induces phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase-dependent Lyn/Tec/Dok-1 complex formation in hematopoietic cells

T. B. van Dijk, E. van den Akker, M. P. Amelsvoort, H. Mano, B. Löwenberg, M. von Lindern

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Stem cell factor (SCF) has an important role in the proliferation, differentiation, survival, and migration of hematopoietic cells. SCF exerts its effects by binding to cKit, a receptor with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. Activation of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3-K) by cKit was previously shown to contribute to many SCF-induced cellular responses. Therefore, PI3-K-dependent signaling pathways activated by SCF were investigated. The PI3-K-dependent activation and phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase Tec and the adapter molecule p62Dok-1 are reported. The study shows that Tec and Dok-1 form a stable complex with Lyn and 2 unidentified phosphoproteins of 56 and 140 kd. Both the Tec homology and the SH2 domain of Tec were identified as being required for the interaction with Dok-1, whereas 2 domains in Dok-1 appeared to mediate the association with Tec. In addition, Tec and Lyn were shown to phosphorylate Dok-1, whereas phosphorylated Dok-1 was demonstrated to bind to the SH2 domains of several signaling molecules activated by SCF, including Abl, CrkL, SHIP, and PLCgamma-1, but not those of Vav and Shc. These findings suggest that p62Dok-1 may function as an important scaffold molecule in cKit-mediated signaling
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3406-3413
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2000

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