Patricia Zondervan



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

1. training in laparoscopy and robotics 

2.translational research (EVs for kidney cancer)

3.Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome & RCC

4. Core Outcome Set for localised RCC

5.impact of COVID on RCC incidence and management

6.practice variation in the Netherlands for treatment of RCC

7.impact ot MTB for the treatment of RCC from a network

8.REDUCT: collaboration with radiology analysing reduction of CTs in FU after treatment for RCC

9.steerable needles for biopsy or Focal Therapy in RCC,  collaboration with Delft

Research interests

  1. Chair WOU-kidney-cancer subgroup
  2. Board Dutch Renal Cancer Group National tumourboardgroup kidney cancer
  3. Combined Chair  round table national networks kidneycancer
  4. Board/founder stichting PRO-RCC (Dutch National kidneycaner registry)
  5. Voorzitter SKMS aanvraag nierkanker app
  6. Voorzitter SKMS aanvraag longlist RCC kwaliteits registratie en verduurzaming nierkankerzorg
  7. Voorzitter Uitkomst gerichte zorg nierkanker vanuit NFU
  8. SWEN werkgroep, voorzitter laparoscopie cursus aios urologie
  9. Trustee British Journal Uurology International
  10. ESU chair laparoscopy working group
  11. ESUT laparoscopy group
  12. Bestuur Von Hippel Lindau patiëntenvereniging
  13. EAU-EUREP Hands on trainer

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, new developments in diagnosis & treatment of SRM, UvA Faculty of Medicine (AMC)

Award Date: 2 Oct 2020

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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