
Due to the growing field of digital pathology, more and more digital histology slides are becoming available. This improves the accessibility, allows teleconsultations from specialized pathologists, improves education, and might give urologist the possibility to review the slides in patient management systems. Moreover, by stacking multiple two-dimensional (2D) digital slides, three-dimensional volumes can be created, allowing improved insight in the growth pattern of a tumor. With the addition of computer-aided diagnosis systems, pathologist can be guided to regions of interest, potentially reducing the workload and interobserver variation. Digital (3D) pathology has the potential to improve dialog between the pathologist and urologist, and, therefore, results in a better treatment selection for urologic patients
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)549-555
JournalWorld Journal of Urology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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