
BACKGROUND: In the past decade, the search for circulating microRNA (miRNA) biomarkers has yielded numerous associations between miRNAs and different types of disease. However, many of these relations could not be replicated in subsequent studies under similar experimental conditions. Although this lack of replicability may be explained by the variation in experimental design and analysis methods, guidelines on the most appropriate design and analysis methods to study circulating miRNAs are scarce. CONTENT: miRNA biomarker experiments generally consist of a discovery phase and a validation phase. In the discovery phase, typically hundreds of miRNAs are measured in parallel to identify candidate biomarkers. Because of the costs of such high-throughput experiments, the number of individuals included in those studies is often too small, which can easily lead to false positives and false negatives. In the validation phase, a small number of identified biomarker candidates are measured in a large cohort of cases and controls, generally by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Although qPCR is a sensitive method to measure miRNAs in the circulation, experimental design and qPCR data analysis remain challenging. Omitting some crucial steps in the design and analysis of the qPCR experiment or performing them incorrectly can cause serious biases, ultimately leading to false conclusions. SUMMARY: In this review, we aim to expose and discuss the most common sources of interstudy variation in miRNA research from a methodological point of view and to provide guidelines on how to perform these steps correctly to increase replicability of studies on circulating miRNAs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1308-1318
JournalClinical Chemistry
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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